Monday, August 4, 2008


Chapter 2

"Pheonix feathers," was the first thing Mrs. Cor said after Vayl showed her the feathers.
"Pheonix feathers? But, that's impossible!"
"I think as the owner of Pheonix Manor, I am able to distinguish the feathers of a pheonix!"
"But...but they're just a myth!" Vayl exclaimed.
" Hmph, myth! Well don't worry your pretty head about it then. Ah, anyway you've got school starting tomorrow, all ready?"
"About," Vayl replied, feeling she wouldn't get any answers from her mother just now.
The next morning Vayl awoke rather abruptly, still tired she rubbed her eyes and pulled her blanket back over her head. She could not rest long however, for her mother bustled into her room and shook her lightly.
She went on with her morning as usual but made sure to tidy up her hair, after all today was her first day of school. She was genuinely excited to go back to Green's Peak Preparotory School, she hadn't realized how much she missed it and her friends until this very morning. She quickly slipped on her uniform and stockings and tied her long black her into braids, the hurried down the steps.
Something felt wrong as she entered the kitchen, the air was stiff and the breeze from the window sent chills down her spine. Her brothers' faces were solemn and her mother's distraught. And was sitting at the table looking uncomfortably at his hands. Vayl ran to her mother's side at once.
"Mother, what's happened?" Vayl questioned.
Her mother opened her mouth to speak, but only an inaudible sound escaped it before she let out a long heart-wrenching sob.
She looked at her brothers for help but no one spoke. For the first time in years, Vayl's dislike for her twin disappated into gratitude. For, after a few more pleading glances, Adam spoke.
"Ana Abbott died last night, Vay," his voice was shakey as he answered and his cheeks were tear stained.
Saddness filled Vayl's entire body and she could not hold back her tears. Pity leaked into her heart for the Abbott family's loss and for her twin's. Adam had always favored Ana above all the other girls, she had, had beautiful green eyes and auburn hair. Vayl did not know what came over he but she ran to her brother and hugged him. She had spent so much time being angry at him that she had nearly forgotten how much she loved him.
"I'm s-so s-s-sorry Adam!" Vayl stammered into her brother's shoulder, " You must be heart-broken!"
Adam answered her by squeezing her a bit more tightly.
By the time they were all sobered up they were already an hour late for school and Mrs. Cor would not dare to think of sending them on a day like today. Vayl walked up the stairs and put on her favorite yellow sundress. She hurried, for she wanted to go and see char and discuss the death of their friend. Something felt wrong but she couldn't quite place her finger on it.
"How had they said she died?" She muttered to herself as she closed the door to her room.
"Ow!" cried Vayl, she was so deep in thought, that she had ran straight into Andrew.
"Oh dear goodness! I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where i was walking," she had started speaking so feverishly that her words came out as more of a jumble and less of a sentence. Crew smiled and spoke with the utmost nonchalance.
"It's fine, I wasn't really looking either..Vayl I couldn't help but hear you muttering and i can help answer that question, if you want?"
"Well," started Andy, "This morning I was in the kitchen when Mrs. Pearse, your nana, walked in. I overheard her informing your mom of Ana Abbotts death. Mrs. Pearse said Ana never came home last night, the last time they saw her was at dinner."
"That's around the time I saw her," interrupted Vayl, " She gave me these red-orange feathers..."
Andy stared inquiringly but she gestured for him to go on.
"Okay, well they also said she had been looking sickly all week and she hadn't been talking much. Anyways her parents got worried when she never came home so, they called the cops and went out looking for her. Around seven this morning James found her when he went for his swim at the beach. At first, he thought she was asleep so he walked over to wake her but as he got closer he realized that her eyes were staring blankly and she was so pale and stiff.."
Andy stopped for a minute, letting his words linger, while the image set into both of their minds.
"He ran to get Mr. and Mrs. Abbott immediately and as far as anyone can tell she wasn't harmed at all, she seems to have died naturally."
Vayl looked away from Andy and watched as a leaf floated down the small river. She was so entranced by his story that she barely realized that they had ventured through the meadow, past char's, and were now sitting on a large rock by the river, which was unusually quiet today. In fact, everything was unusually quiet, there were no little animals playing or birds chirping, it was as if the entire forest were morning the death of a friend.
Vayl was having a difficult time believing what she had just heard, " This was not right, what had happened to poor Ana last night? And why was she so desperate to rid herself of those feathers, could they actually be from a pheonix? She thought to herself.
"What do you think Andy?" Asked Vayl, not daring to look into his eyes.
"What do you mean, What do I think?" he questioned, bewildered.
"About Ana, do you think.." Vayl stopped short, tyring to choose her words carefully then, raising her eyes to meet his, she said, "Do you think, is it possible that Ana was murdered?"

1 comment:

Jake said...

So there's the death, when are we going to see the rebirth? From the ashes of an old establishment perhaps? Always loved the phoenix in mythology. Birth, age, fire, rebirth. To me it is a symbol of hope. So definitely following this story.